Why Customers Choose S.S. Corporation
Help Choosing Best: We help garment owners to choose innovative, upgrade, high-tech and high yielding accessories manufacturing machineries.
Offering Competitive Price: We always offer competitive price of accessories manufacturing machineries.
Physical Inspection of Machinery: We assist buyer representatives to conduct physical inspection of machinery at factory site of supplier country to ensure production of machinery with full compliance of LC.
Timeliness: We help on time shipment, safe and smooth delivery of machineries to the customers.
Quick Installation: We provide quick installation of machineries with the qualified professional engineering team.
Trouble-Shooting: We regularly provide trouble- shooting services to keep the machines full functional.
Post Installation Follow Up: We have qualified engineering team who conduct post installation follow up visit to the factory to check the condition of machines.
Foreign Engineers Visit: We arrange foreign engineers and technicians to visit factory site to see the functions of machines and also to get advice for smooth and proper function of machines.
Spare Parts Availability: We supply required Spare parts quickly and install instantly on request. Providing
Training: We provide training to the factory personnel on operation and maintenance of machines.
Skilled Trouble Shooter& Engineering Team: Our mobile engineering team is always ready to provide technical support round the clock to keep your machine running and functional.